Wednesday, January 27, 2010

(Wo)man's Best Friend

The first thought that came to my mind when I saw him was "HANDSOME".  He drew my attention - he stood out from the others - there was something about him that really appealed to me.

I remember the first day I came across him.  I was standing by the side of the road and he brushed against me.  I looked up startled and found him looking at me to see my reaction. I ought to have been irritated but wasn't.  Looking into his brown eyes trying to read my reaction I certainly didn't have any negative reacton.

It became routine - everyday returning from work I would look out for "Handsome" as I called him now in my heart.  The sight of him waiting expectantly, looking up at me with his beautiful brown eyes wagging his tail. 

Yes ! Handsome is a stray dog. A dog  who is "human" in more ways than one or am I insulting him by saying that.

What is it about animals specially dogs - they love so unconditionally. Its not that I have been doing anything much for him. Just a few words, a pat on the head a hug and occasionally a bone. Still he waits for me.  Comes running to greet me the minuit he hears my car - like a long lost friend. 

Why is man so different from his "best friend" ?  Why do we lay down so many conditions ? Why is there always a motive (usually a selfish one) in any relationship between people ? 

I have grown up with animals and the love and loyalty one receives from them touches my heart.  Have we become more calculative and selfish because we have "more developed brains" ?

As Elliot said “We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment”

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