Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Summer of 2008

I would often tell my husband that we should learn to dance - either the salsa, tango, waltz or just about anything - to get some excitement into our otherwise mundane lives. Time went by and that just remained a thought .. an idea .. and nothing else.

One find day I just decided to find out about some dancing classes or better still find someone to come home and teach us. We finally settled on someone over the phone and he was to come and meet us the next day.

As conincidance would have it - the neighbours kids happened to drop in .... just like that ?? surprising they had never done it before :~(. One thing led to another and they learnt about 'our yet to begin dance lessons'. The next day a group of dance enthusiasts had gathered at our house ... but where was our teacher ?? we all ended up having a dance party and were in the midst of such FUN when the teacher (Prashant) walked in. Well to cut a long story short, our dance classes extended till way beyond midnight everyday for months. It brought us all - big and small together. Fifteen years in the same building and we would only smile and nod at each other and then suddenly - every evening was PARTY time. Our home is always full of 'kids' now. Gone is the peace and quiet. A hair band here, a jacket there or a dirty sock. How come my empty home is full of all this ?? Believe it or not, we dont even mind. I derive great pleasure everytimg my fastidious husband pretends to show annoyance at all this. Ha ! does he think me to be a fool ! The last almost two years has seen many a love story start and end in this house. If the walls could talk - they would have a lot to tell.

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